starting point for any information
General description
(must, nice to have)
Exchange information
Information about the supplier who prepared the information
Content of the publication
Default language
Date and time of publication
Responsible organisation for the publication
General name of the publication.
Mandatory elements and additional recommendations
(red = must, green = nice to have, bold = mandatory in DATEX)
Country - eg “be”, part of CountryEnum
nationalIdentifier - until a consistent URI strategy exists for this at country level, the following applies:
Companies: “VAT number” + "-" + “Company short name”
Eg “BE0367.300.101-MobiliteitssbedrijfGent”
Authorities: “BE” + “.” + ”BR”/“FL”/”WA” + “.” + lowest acroym + "-" + “unit short name”
Eg “BE.FL.MOW-VlaamsVerkeerscentrum”
Eg “BE.WA.SPW-CentrePerex”
Eg “BE.BR.BHGRBC-BrusselMobiliteitBruxellesMobilité”
PayloadPublication (not strictly mandatory but a publication is meaningless without a payload)
Lan: Language
publicationTime: DateTime
Country - see above
nationalIdentifier - see above
Possibilities for Exchange.supplierIdentification & PayloadPublication.publicationCreator
Authority or operator publish data: same organisation
Supplier working on behalf of authority or operator:
Exchange.supplierIdentification: supplier
PayloadPublication.publicationCreator: authority or operator.
version numbers start at 1
indices start at 0
For parking only:
An authority should group the parking sites operated in his city in a separate GroupOfParkingSites per operator.
An operator should group the parking sites he operates in a separate GroupOfParkingSites per city (per authority).
If a parking publication covers multiple authorities and multiple operators different ParkingTables should be used.
Result: a GroupOfParkingSites always groups the ParkingSites operated by one Operator in one City.