Quality assurance
Preparatory phase
Step 0: for any service that is implemented, it needs to be checked if:
a specific standard is being recommended
any further specific recommendations are made to help ensure interoperability.
Assessment phase
Step 1: Overall quality check - compliance with general best practice recommendations
General recommendation 1: separate datasets with different updating frequency (eg static information and dynamic information)
test: separate static and dynamic information
Step 2: Technical quality check
Compliance with the format of the advocated standard (eg compliance with the xsd)
test: is the dataset valid against the schema of the advocated standard
Compliance with the semantic aspects of the advocated standard
test: is the content of the dataset consistent with the meaning of the elements as expressed in the specification
Compliance with specific recommendations given for the service under consideration
test: have any specific recommendations for the service been followed (if these exist)
Step 3: Content quality check (at this moment: only qualitative assessment)
test: to what extent is the dataset complete
test: to what extent are the data correct
Positional accuracy
test: to what extent is the position information accurate
test: to what extent is the dataset up-to-date.
Reporting phase
Step 4: Produce quality report
A template for an assessment report can be found below.